The French newspaper Le Monde disclosed new PRISM slides (See Page 4, 7 and 8) coming from the "PRISM/US-984XN Overview" presentation on October 21, 2013. The British newspaper The Guardian disclosed new PRISM slides (see pages 3 and 6) in November 2013 which on the one hand compares PRISM with the Upstream program, and on the other hand deals with collaboration between the NSA's Threat

NSA Spying (2020): How to Stop the NSA from Having … 2020-7-20 · 7. Incognito mode doesn’t stop spying. It’s worth noting that private tabs on browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari won’t prevent the NSA from spying on your online activity. These modes simply remove local traces of activity, not your online trail. Browser Extensions to Stop NSA Spying 【spying】什么意思_英语spying的翻译_音标_读音_ … 2011-2-7 · 有人说,“假如NSA放一个的后门在Vista里面,那估计是对外国国家政府部门 搞间谍 ( Spying )聚会,或是为美国大家搞搞谍报(Espionage)聚会”。 等等,等等,类似的IT评论多的是。 基于12个网 …

The NSA and Me

2013-7-21 · Marti Oakley. Follow @MartiOakley_____. The Trayvon Martin case is being used as a national diversion so that the public will focus on the hyped up court case and not on Benghazi-gate, the IRS scandal or, the massive NSA illegal spying recently exposed by Edward Snowden, the whistleblower.. The concentration on the Martin v Zimmerman case was blown up, puffed up, hyped … Stop Watching Us - Everyone is talking about the NSA

国家安全局在2020年监视你的10种方式 - PureVPN

Stop Watching Us - Everyone is talking about the NSA 2016-2-26 · Dear Members of Congress, We write to express our concern about recent reports published in the Guardian and the Washington Post, and acknowledged by the Obama Administration, which reveal secret spying by the National Security Agency (NSA) on phone records and Internet activity of people in the United States. Surprise! The NSA Is Still Spying On You - Gizmodo