Function. The Internet Protocol gets information from a source computer to a destination computer. It sends this information in the form of packets.. There are two versions of the Internet Protocol currently in use: IPv4 and IPv6, with IPv4 being the version most used.

Nov 09, 2019 · DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a system used in computer networking to automatically assign networking information to a client. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) в превод означава „Протокол за динамично конфигуриране на хостове“ и представлява комуникационен протокол, чрез който компютър, тип компютърно устройство, маршрутизатор или всякакъв друг вид устройство, използващо IP адрес, може да заяви O DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (protocolo de configuração dinâmica de host), é um protocolo de serviço TCP/IP que oferece configuração dinâmica de terminais, com concessão de endereços IP de host, máscara de sub-rede, default gateway (gateway padrão), número IP de um ou mais servidores DNS, sufixos de pesquisa do DNS e número IP de um ou mais servidores WINS. Οι DHCP server hosts δεσμεύουν τις διευθύνσεις του δικτύου και στέλνουν τις πληροφορίες για αυτές στους client-hosts. Το DHCP αποτελείται από δύο τμήματα.

The DHCP relay agent is a machine with the DHCP Relay Agent service installed and configured to forward DHCP requests to a DHCP server on a different subnet (as shown in the illustration). The process happens as follows: A DHCP client on the subnet where the DHCP relay agent is configured broadcasts a request for a lease from a DHCP server.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) DHCP is a client/server protocol used to dynamically assign IP-address parameters (and other things) to a DHCP client. It is implemented as an option of BOOTP.

In computer networking, DHCP snooping is a series of techniques applied to improve the security of a DHCP infrastructure.. When DHCP servers are allocating IP addresses to the clients on the LAN, DHCP snooping can be configured on LAN switches to prevent malicious or malformed DHCP traffic, or rogue DHCP servers.

DHCP (engl. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) mrežni je protokol korišten od strane mrežnih računala za dodjeljivanje IP adresa i ostalih mrežnih postavki kao što su pretpostavljeni gateway, subnet maska i IP adrese DNS servera s DHCP servera. Olakšava konfiguraciju mreže jer eliminira ručno dodavanje osnovnih postavki za jednu računalnu mrežu. DHCP je skup pravila koji omogućava uređajima na računarskoj mreži da traže i dobiju IP adresu od DHCP servera, dakle da pribavi automatski deljenu adresu i sazna dodatne informacije kao što je adresa njegovog rutera za prvi skok i adresa njegovog DNS servera. DHCP je u stanju da automatizuje mrežne aspekte, otuda je i nazvan plug-and-play protokolom. DHCP (prescurtat de la Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) este un protocol de rețea de calculatoare folosite de gazde (clienți DHCP) care atribuie adrese IP și alte informații de configurare de rețea importante în mod dinamic.