Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 VPNs | Network World

Jan 23, 2017 Deciding when to offer Layer 2 or Layer 3 VPNs Offering VPN services isn't a simple Layer 2 or Layer 3 choice. If you want to implement true convergence onto a single core infrastructure, your core network should support the transport of public IP and private IP (VPN), as well as a number of legacy Layer 2 WAN and LAN technologies (for example, with Any Transport over MPLS – AtoM). Inter-VLAN-Routing mit einem Layer-3-Switch (ITNT12.8 Dec 09, 2017 Layer 3 Switch Vs Router: What Is Your Best Bet? | FS

IPsec VPNs vs. SSL VPNs | Cloudflare

Layer3 switch as firewall? : sysadmin Layer 3 switches generally can't do port filtering (e.g., allow HTTP but block everything else), and they definitely can't do deep-packet inspection. level 1 johnklos

Oct 05, 2018

WAN technologies support – Layer 3 Switch is limited to usage over LAN environment where Inter VLAN routing can be performed, however when it comes to working on WAN and edge technologies Layer 3 Switch lags behind. Router is the front runner in such scenario where WAN technologies such as Frame Relay or ATM need to be fostered. Offering VPN services isn't a simple Layer 2 or Layer 3 choice. If you want to implement true convergence onto a single core infrastructure, your core network should support the transport of public IP and private IP (VPN), as well as a number of legacy Layer 2 WAN and LAN technologies (for example, with Any Transport over MPLS – AtoM). Complementing Jorge A. Valentin Davila's answer. In a layer 2 VPN, L2 frames (usually Ethernet) are transported between locations. In the more general case, it's similar to a cable connecting two switches in separate buildings. Jan 23, 2017 · Layer 3 is more intelligent and provides all the functionality of Lay 2 networks. Therefore, Layer 2 switches are used to provide cheap and easy connectivity to workgroups and Layer 3 switches are used to enable departmental networks to be segmented and controlled with no loss of bandwidth. Likewise, Layer 4 switch contains all the features of Layer 2 vs Layer 3 Switch. The main difference between Layer 2 and Layer 3 is the routing function. This is also the biggest difference lies between Layer 2 switch and Layer 3 switch. A Layer 2 switch works with MAC addresses only and does not care about IP address or any items of higher layers.